Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024 Clargyle


 Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024

All the Director/Directrice and President/Presidente are in place

Build it and Société RadioCanada will promote it 

The French Acadian reunion is being put together and organized with traditional fiddle music like the Ste Anne reel, Baie en Joie tap dancing, and the traditional rappie pie. With Comeau types a-comin' from miles around lookin for Rappie Pie, fun gru tyme in the hard times in the Maritimes.

Hosted in Clare and Argyle now known as Claregyle, it is a heritage and patrimonial event to watch in southwestern Nova Scotia.

Read the WorldWideWeb press release from NFT creator MBF-Lifestyle on Atlantic Canadian Arts and Culture event to watch 

The committee has no social media profile manager so it is not and will not rank as a cultural arts event to see or attend.


 Since it is organized by straight white people for straight white people there is, unfortunately, no " Space" for an LGBT voice let alone a Queeer Asperger Visual Artist voice like Claude Edwin Theriault @ MBF-Lifestyle
and is trending barrier-breaking 3D motion Graphic Design experience NFTs. Marginalized and let out as the ODD man looking in for more than half a century  Claude has developed a very keen eye on the Wetiko blind trance same old agenda-pushing way people are, and he is OK with that. His design won the top Platinum rank in the Hermes Creative Design Awards in Video motion graphics, based on their merit it was not a lottery, however, no need to mention that they just don't get it they really don't get it because they are all high school confidential types who run the "Show" straight inta the ground and that is OK.


Their politically correct savvy Inclusion agenda-pushing minds have swallowed the gay inclusion pill however Queer is a subversive form of gay they cannot quite cope with, especially when it is from the Faye Cameron /Francis Bacon school of thought.

Venez vivre votre acadie! DU 10 AU 18 AOÛT 2024 LE SUD-OUEST DE LA NOUVELLE-ÉCOSSE 

Bienvenue à Clargyle 

Atlantic Canadian French Acadian culture gives a lot of clout to Musiciens who they see as true artists, visual artists not so much. There is Daniel Leblanc, Dave "Visage de La Mort" Leblanc and that cutie petutie Blu and his corjean.
In the second class tier there are the usual suspects June DeveauDenise ComeauNadine Belliveau, and even Claude Chaloux however, guitar and fiddle players are the main fair of the cultural Identity.

Which is OK Claude understands and accepts the concept of clics and clans. And how people are hardwired to hate what they do not understand. Claude makes art and designs French Acadian culture does not have an interest in, and French Acadian culture makes art Claude has no interest in. Since it simply pushes an old and tired agenda that simply does not bring in the tourist like it should; and never will. Yet the Provincial and federal phallic members of parliament pump copious amounts of money into t to create the jobs jobs jobs jobs agenda that is old and tired,

Part of the massive cultural shift in the winter season of the fourth turning cycle of social change and innovation.

Atlantic is very much a provincial Insular culture from Haligonia centric bureau crates in the capitol, to the academic bureaucrats administratives who run the french Acadian patrimonial heritage like a business,. They are not creative artist types they are conservative beaurocrats types. Politically connected and that's it that's all.

French Version of Congress Mondial Acadian 2024 transcript

A social media savvy skilled Claude could put the Congress Mondial on the first page of google with the skill sets he has of using Artificial Intelligence ... yes A'.I, to scrap the internet and give him the news copy he weaves in with his own news copy to make relevant reading material that te Google Search Engine Optimization SEO ranking Bots love. Resulting in 1st-page ranks with multiple indented listings people find and read from beginning to end; like you are doing now.

However, Claude's offer to help with SEO at dg has met with no reply since we at Congress world know better.

Like Bitch Wayne the official voice of Southwestern Nova Scotias' sweet and tender rosebud himself
at radio CIFA  GAGA and brand new same old site.

At the end of the day, Claude will have his peace of mind the congress will come and go as another event for seniors in the demographic realm of the summer Roman Catholic church picnic that came and went. with the
 same old agenda, instead of having it be a real and genuine showcase of multi strata of talent and cultural diversity.... for real instead of for pretend.

Hence the reason for this truth bomb on the Inclusive VIP party du Jour.


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