French Canadian Queer Asperger Contemporary Artist establishes himself as the single edition NFT creator to watch by following smartest users on chain to discover new projects

French Canadian Queer Asperger Contemporary Artist establishes himself as the single edition NFT creator to watch by following the smartest users on chain so as to discover new projects

Emerging Canadian Contemporary 3D Motion Graphic NFT minting artist Claude Edwin Theriault of MBF-Lifestyle creates NewWorld Web 3.0 Contemporary Art form and benchmark to replace Old World 2.0 

Every time he drops the latest single edition NFT 3D motion graphic project into his ERC-1155 smart contract on opensea he is changing the face of today's contemporary art definitions by creating his own web 3.0 blockchain metav3erse statements.... Quand tu me parle de toi....j'ecoute series.

                Learn more from the extensive worldwide web press releases of MBF-Lifestyle

Canadian Contemporary Queer Artist using Web3.0 Blockchain to reclaim Censor Free Self-ownership and sovereignty of the individual or individual sovereignty where the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity and be the exclusive controller of one's own body and life.

By its very definition Contemporary art is important due to what it bears witness to at the moment in time it is created. Enabling us to speak our creative voice without censor since blockchain is not just censored resistant it is censor proof. With his NFT design experience the viewer gains insight into what goes on beneath the surface of the dog and pony show of formulaic mainstream media.MBFlifesyle designs raise awareness as to the sovereignty of you and your data on the new blockchain and claim its power for you and you alone to have. The calming and therapeutic value of the artworks slows down the world, halts the distractions, and encourages debate as to what you can do like art should do. When an artist creates art mainstream galleries do not want you to see you know you are hitting the nail on the head and doing what is right.

Hence the current phenomenon of the original single mint editions of MBFlifestyle instead of the 10,000 and 1 computer-animated cartoons currently in vogue with the cool passing fad kids..

Read Issue wire press release on Halifax Media Contemporary Acadian Queer Asperger NFt Creator exclusion 

Establishing himself as a producer of single edition NFT creations in a sea of multiple cartoon characters. Part of the ecosystem in this evolving asset class that represents the massive shift in self-representing artistic expression, creating a design experience you can feel that speaks of parallel world energies that run alongside ours.In a design revolution marketplace making use of Semiotics to investigate how lasting meaning is created and how meaning is communicated via signs and symbols. 

It is an open-source digital ledger where you can use Etherscan to track smart users to see what assets they are buying holding and selling on-chain, in this market that is shifting all the money from brick and mortar  to crypto digital wallets 

Emerging Blocksight applications give a multifacet view of  the top uses  Rich user's balance and token distribution, give you a clear picture of where the smart money with taste is and what they are buying trading selling, or holding

Click to view the AR/VR Virtual NFT Creator Gallery I am building at metaverse

Etherscan is a block explorer and analytics platform for Ethereum, a decentralized smart contracts platform. It has a collection of web-based tools for exploring the public Ethereum network, based on the transactions that have been confirmed on the Ethereum blockchain. It lets you drill into the wallet's reputation wallet analyzer, it will tell you which asset and when they got it, early in you can see the chainlink token. All indicators that can lead you to decide if you want to be on the pre-sale allow list.

A sort of pre-initial public offering, only now in the form of an initial pre coin offering. factors that go into the workings of this new asset class 

Seeing the activity of wallets they have a connection with says a lot to the researching person wanting to invest well since sometimes the big whale wallets have alternative second wallets they use to wheel and deal with then transfer the profits back to the master wallet.

Chain alerts give you real-time alerts on what you want to know is happening on the blockchain,

Hour inflows information is a good indication of activity in the liquidity pool: but alerts add accounts you want to follow, NFT mints, tokens moved around, from a wallet or into wallets give the wallet address addresses you want news on.

 Since blockchain is an open ledger a telegraph chat ID account is a must-have, so as to receive the alerts. To show you what the smart accounts like rich list are doing so you can do the same, it's legal since there is more than enough to go around in the decentralized open playing field of defi. You can see info you simply cannot see in conventional finance.


 Take action on alerts click etherscan link gives real-time info on the project of interest. With alerts like this, you have the edge. Claude has built his intellectual; sovereign intellectual property on a censor-free platform of Ethereum money, way beyond the old world patrimonial culture of Nova Scotia Feudal cultural oligarchs falling to the wayside by the massive disruptive power of web 3.0 blockchain and the metav3rse. It is not easy being 510 years ahead of the curve.

All part of an on-chain ecosystem the likes the world has never seen.

The sphere has evolved to where there are now Apps that enable you to find trending  NFT, Tokens, and DEFI yield projects to watch and make better purchase decisions.

Discord is where the traders in the know are, it serves as a much better source than youtube and even Twitter.

Blockchain wallets like metamask is the best, top it with crypto from a multitude of exchanges and withdrawal it to your metamask wallet, ETh being the one to use since all work on Ethereum .

Trending contracts on the blockchain algorithms will tell you how much money flows into it, even by the hour, it si that meticulous in its pattern results.

New projects have new liquidity pools that are the major indicator of how much money is flowing into the project and what type of big whale wallets are funding it.

Uniswap is the most popular liquidity exchange provider and when its name is attached to a project it leaves an ETH trail, since Uniswap grants its own permission, it has that much blockchain project clout.

They can add token direct as a new pool which shows a high demand for the project with liquidity depth

to buy and sell large amounts it is there if you wish to buy.

 NFT mints are happening by the hour, millions in cash flow into them per day

Etherscan public block explorer will tell you lots on the 8888 meta mansions, the google search tells you more on it. you connect your wallet to the site mint your token pay and store it on your wallet when the time to sell comes you can sell on a secondary platform like MBF-Lifestyle opensea. 

Public mint is set to a countdown, come back at the time the minting opens. However if you find them on a discord group you can maybe get on their allow list and get pre Initial public offering IPO price which is the name of the game, like baseball cards meet intellectual property vegas style in the metav3rse.

Web 3.0 and the Blockchain it is built on is the new disruptive force to reckon with 

For example in 2021 El Salvador became the first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender. Official data show its treasury holds 1,120 bitcoin. At current prices, that’s about $45 million, when Bitcoin rises 10% its worth rises by 10% with not doing anything other than one smart move. While the national fiat currencies of the world decreased by 10% yearly.... go figure.


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