Contemporary Queer artist calls out Insular Atlantic Canada News media Oligarch

Contemporary Queer artist calls out Atlantic Canada News media since there is a worrying tendency in the all Atlantic Canadian mainstream news media to present only one side of the story (theirs!). With a blatant Ghosting of a new emerging Contemporary Artistic force via a French Acadian Queer Asperger NFT Creator, with a voice demanding a Halifax art platform to express a new disruptive NFT blockchain contemporary art style for the metaverse.

Access Nova Scotia includes everyone.... supposedly

When ahead of the mainstream curve in the visual arts, as Claude Edwin Theriault of MBF-Lifestyle is ghosting is to be expected. From the ruling media Oligarch Bell Media to Saltwire to bureaucrats who run Patrimonial Heritage culture like the government-funded business it is.


Their high school clic action-reaction is to ignore you, see no Claude, hear no Claude speak no Claude. It’s called pick and choose righteousness meaning you are not one of us…..Go away.

We are in the new world order and the 3D motion Graphic design experience artwork of Claude Edwin Theriault is what this new world order looks like, in the new Normal collapse of meaning New world order of things. In your face woke mob-style. 

Learn more from the extensive worldwide web                  press releases of MBF-Lifestyle 

Blockchain is a very disruptive technology that will render all mainstream media obsolete shortly so they have reason to be protective. Waiting for things to go back to the old new normal, with no morals values, or anyone at the wheel on top of the collapse of reason itself; as we shift from web2.0 to web 3.0.

View maritime art info on the topic part1

Atlantic Canadian NFT creator Claude Edwin Theriault of MBFLifestyle East Coast, is currently trying to enter into communication with; Miguel D'eon the Director of Communications and Marketing for Le Congrès Mondial Acadian 2024 Clargyle.A collaboration of opposites, working together to place Le Congrès Mondial Acadian 2024. as one of the major arts and culture, events to attend in the Atlantic Canadian region based on its diverse cultural merit. However he is having no luck, they have agreed to disagree and pursue each their own agenda yet remain in Embrace the enemy mode of no contact. Merging NFT with Defi via his Intellectual property and a Patrimonial Heritage event of the same old is not going to happen.

The list of the usual major suspects:

Vaughn Madden: Sexually frustrated man-hating Lesbian in denial 

Nathalie Robiceau Catatonic Bambi living in a bubble

Daniel Leblanc Straight white xenophobic Queer phobic Roman Catholic Prick. Does not look at or speak to that dirty old homo visual artist up the road.... yet.

Marcel Aymar Has been a musician who has not done anything interesting in music since 1976 ...and he drinks.

Luc Le BoyWonder D'eoon Useless opportunistic Beauracrate there for the paycheck

Ken Deveau: Hides a skeleton in the family closet so big it would sink the entire FANE outfit

Alister Surette Dull and uninspired as he is uninspiring runs Universite Ste Anne which has a computer science course with 45 students; 40 of them do not know how to start a computer. The professor has to explain what a keyboard, screen, and mouse is, as well as which button to start the computer. Classic Atlantic Canada University Zombie corporation numbers game.

Martin Therberge Fully closeted Don't ask don't tell Queen with an extensive collection of scarfs

Don't ask don't tell culture endemic in French Acadian Culture. Go ask Vaughn Madden Antonine Maillet and Philbert Comeau if they would have illustrious careers in the Heritage Patrimonial culture industry if they had come out as gay.

Mississippi  Acadie Goddam

As long as French Acadian culture continually looks back 1,2,3,4 hundred years in its past it will never ever move forward.

World event of culture and nothing but Hillbilly music and Rappie pie to show as its cultural showcase, with not a single visual artist on the list of "Our artist from the Bay" showcases of cultural identity...yet.

Mississippi Acadie Goddam

Atlantic Canada Media Honkies at the Wheel

Claude Edwin Theriault is part of a new visual consensus mechanism renaissance called Web 3.0 metaverse and it is in the process of plowing the old Web 2.0 heritage patrimonial industry into the ground.

With the web3.0 market moving news creating a more equitable art world instead of the insular bureaucratic gatekeeper cliques we have now.

It is run by a select crew of approximately 10 bureaucratic academic types(names) who do what they dam well want in their formulaic bubble world year after year, with their hands in the pant pocket of the Nova Scotian tourist budget they can play serious pocket pool until their bubble burst since the youth of today do not want to see the same old same old and listen to the Ste Anne reel again and again.

They want something new and exciting that they can actually feel in their world of everything now.

A cultural trance is a cultural trance; however, the NFT renaissance is upon us and moving forward. 

The Patrimonial Heritage used to draw tourists to the region is part of the Law of Diminishing Returns means that, after a certain point, the additional work you put towards a project returns less and less until the return eventually becomes negative (e.g., more work = a worse outcome)

Yet with Government money pumped into it , the French Acadian Heritage Patrimonial industry does not have to be profitable, it just becomes part of all the other Zombie Corporations up in the Great Harbour of Haligonia.

They sentenced me to 50 years of boredom for trying to change the smilin' franco cajun honky art scene from within. I'm coming now I'm coming to reward them. First, we take Haligonia, and then we take frigune Moncton

As one of the major forces redefining contemporary art in Atlantic Canada, Claude Edwin Theriault.

Is pioneering a new form of NFT artwork in the form of 3D motion Graphics that are visual moving totems that speak of a parallel world that runs under the surface of our lives, yet weaves in and out influencing our lives. A sort of concept mainstream arts and craft tourist industry mindsets that run the media do not want to deal with since it is challenging to the intellect, and people are hard-wired to resist what they do not understand, especially if it has a Queer ideology, Gay is OK providing it knows it's placed Queer is subversive. Yet today's subversive is tomorrow's new norm with the Mass Adoption Tokenization of NFT artworks growing at an accelerating rate. the mainstream remains oblivious.

MBF-Lifestyle Currently in Voice residency program with NFT collection Drop 1:00 pm May 30 2022

Progress is being made by using Multiple social media press release platforms to give voice to this new contemporary art style delivered in a clear and concise news format.

The one Google news itself; goes; as a source of reference in the burgeoning NFT creator contemporary Arts niche that has been flatlining for the past five years.

Read Maritime art info article on topic Part 2

Mainstream Halifax-centric media outlets seem to have forgotten the 1969 Loi Sur La Langue Francaise, which states the french Acadian culture is legally recognized and treated as an equal partner in the founding culture of Nova Scotia. They simply do not seem to want to acknowledge French Acadian events outside of the HRM let alone a Queer phenomenon. 

Below we have: Bell media's Diversity statement itself taken from their Jive at Five ATV site 
As part of Bell Media, it is a core principle of CTV News to represent ethnocultural groups, Indigenous people and persons with disabilities in a balanced and accurate manner. Our policy is to seek out diverse voices, not only in the types of stories we cover but also in our sources, on-screen, on-the-air, behind the scenes and within our workforce. Understanding the composition of Bell Media's workforce is at the heart of its diversity and inclusion strategy. Bell Media employees are asked to complete a diversity questionnaire, from which data is analyzed on a monthly basis. Reports on this data along with their action plans are presented to Bell Media's Diversity Leadership Council, so it can monitor progress against benchmarks and established goals in its efforts to employ and build a diverse workforce.
Our commitment to diversity is also reflected in the types of stories we report on at CTV News, including the inquiry into the missing and murdered Indigenous women, athletes at the Invictus Games, and, for Canada’s 150th birthday, a five-part series on new Canadians who came to Canada from all corners of the world. CTV News monitors the statistics of its full-time staff as it is committed to employment equity and diversity. To protect individual privacy, it does not publicly disclose these numbers.

Hence the need for social media profile management that is worldwide press release savvy, so that a cultural voice gets heard through the partisan politics endemic in Atlantic Canadian media. Where the vast majority of every major newspaper is owned and content controlled by the Feudal Dennis Lever family of the Saltwire network.

Read worldwide web press release update on lack of inclusion in Halifax media Oligarch


A paradigm that is being shifted by the highly disruptive digital ledger technologies of blockchain and the side chains that are currently built onto the main original Ethereum ledger. It is not just the Decentralized move of finance now on DEFI. It is arts and media that can now have an open public ledger to express non-partisan views on cultural events of interest moving culture forward.

Marginalized Queer Asperger NFT creator Claude Edwin Theriault is redefining the very essence of contemporary art in Atlantic Canada with his 3D motion graphic Non Fungible Token design experience brand logos for the Augmented reality as well as Virtual reality real estate in the metaverse.

Leading and creating value in the emerging metaverse contemporary arts with the interactive neuro link aspect of 3D motion graphic designs that draw you in. And actually makes you grow smarter due to neuropeptide stimulation of the immersive Metaverse experience something mainstream media is incapable of competing with.

View VR/AR Virtual walkthrough Gallery tour I am building at metaverse

It is as disruptive as the automobile, radio, TV, computers, and smartphones combined yet 

The Jive at Five Honkie news team just digs deeper into denial as the tsunami approaches to plow them over into the old world ground.


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