French Acadian Queer Asperger Ghosting in all Nova Scotian Media News


 Queer Asperger Phobia in all Nova Scotian        Media Scandal Issuewire press release.

Claude Edwin Theriault NFT Creator MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia

What we Judge is what we attract until we no longer judge the things that we track

Atlantic Canadian contemporary modern artist culture

There’s a worrying tendency in the mainstream media (perhaps you’ve noticed?) to present only one side of the story (theirs!). French Canadian Queer Asperger Contemporary Artist Claude Edwin Theriault currently calling out Bell media news, Saltwire publishing, and a large spectrum of Kjipuktuk -based cultural icons; for Ghosting him for the past 40 years of his prolific artistic career. Making him develop his anti-fragile resilience and ability to continue as a self-representing artist since he has no other option.

 Read up on the RSS Feed of MBF-Lifestyles' extensive worldwide press releases beyond Acadians as you perceive them..


Our commitment to diversity is also reflected in the types of stories we report on at CTV News, including the inquiry into the missing and murdered Indigenous women, athletes at the Invictus Games, and, for Canada’s 150th birthday, a five-part series on new Canadians who came to Canada from all corners of the world. CTV News monitors the statistics of its full-time staff as it is committed to employment equity and diversity. To protect individual privacy, it does not publicly disclose these numbers...... wow 

1st page Google news for a reason , the writing is on the wall come read it and see                                                                   what it says.

Standard issue White supremacy and patriarchal colonial racism makes it hard for white folks to consistently show up and do “stuff” for visible minorities. Patriarchy is so good at shaming ALL of us for showing up at our fullest most compassionate human potential. It is so insidious that we can’t even drop into our shadow selves and witness our own relationship with internalized oppression we get, beneath the surface of “Things”.And speak about it on Disneyfied mainstream social media.

Hence the overlay designs of Claude show what goes on beneath the surface. In these Agenda 21 times of shifting media oligarch powers.

The metaverse enables you to have your own sovereign Identity, not for harvest and sale by companies, but your to have hold and share with you you wish when you wish to the degree you wish. 

Local Nova Scotia French Acadian Queer Asperger Visual artist Claude Edwin Theriault. 
Is currently using his 20-year social media managerial skills to shine a light on the endemic and systematic queer racism in all of Nova Scotian media as well as Public funded Arts and culture organizations and their Art Galley platforms.

Atlantic Canadian Ghosting is the New Racism

Bell media owned and operated Haligonia centric White anglo-centric They are the worst, all straight white with the token Belliveau Frenchy we don't see much of. Always Great Harbour -centric news with forays into the poor man's version of The electrifying Capitol... Sydney Cape Breton. Or Prince Edward Island to see Sammy. Québec a few times a year .
Université de Moncton is sometimes there to speak the standard acadian history first nations,british rule,acadian communities annapolis with the acadian flag and all the historic allowed to return via saint-jean to return to the sacred fishery port royal until now cradle to te grave. 1763 until now.

Spoiler alert; Bell media is the New Nortel...meaning the sum of its bankrupt parts will be auctioned off to the highest bidder in 32.4 months. Replaced by the disruptive Blockchain Web 3.0 Metaverse Augmented and Virtual Realities, remember the React.js source you heard it from the francophone acadian population municipality first.

View AR VR virtual walkthrough Gallery tour I am building at metaverse

The good news; MBF-Lifestyle in Voice residency program with an NFT collection Drop at 1:00pm May 30, 2022

View AR VR virtual walkthrough Gallery tour I am building at metaverse

Saltwire publishing; Owned by the Haligonia centric  Dennis-Lever family of Kjipuktuk great harbour, Nova Scotia of course, From The Chronically Horrid/Chronicle Herald on down the line; Saltwire owns 25 daily and weekly newspapers in Atlantic Canada meaning the vast majority of them. Mr. Mark. Lever says“We believe being in 25 communities is a big strength,” Lever said in a rarely granted interview. “Our strategy is to tell stories that no one else can, and no one else is equipped to.”The team has acknowledged receiving my email asking why there is no french Acadian cultural representation on their new platform, which resulted in no reply yet or ever. Spoiler alert the disruptive Blockchain technology will render mainstream TV and news media obsolete in 24.3 months, like a Sony cassette walkman with
 4 AA batteries... it really will.

Read more at maritime art info PaTerms in article part2

Saltwire publishing; Owned by the Haligonia centric  Dennis-Lever family of Kjipuktuk great harbour, Nova Scotia of course, From The Chronically Horrid/Chronicle Herald on down the line; Saltwire owns 25 daily and weekly newspapers in Atlantic Canada meaning the vast majority of them. Mr. Mark. Lever says“We believe being in 25 communities is a big strength,” Lever said in a rarely granted interview. “Our strategy is to tell stories that no one else can, and no one else is equipped to.”The team has acknowledged receiving my email asking why there is no french Acadian cultural representation on their new platform, which resulted in no reply yet or ever. Spoiler alert the disruptive Blockchain technology will render mainstream TV and news media obsolete in 24.3 months, like a Sony cassette walkman with
 4 AA batteries... it really will.

Read more at maritime art info Terms in article

Nova Scotia Art Gallery: The biggest Culturally Inbred Haligonia centric bunch in the gang...the jury is out on them since Claude Edwin Theriault has an application for an exhibition in that pillar of culture. Submitted March 2022, the reply says they need 12 months to decide, it's a bit long however the artist will respect that. However come March 2023 we will see, what the verdict is.

View the Self-explanatory Tyranny Exhibition and see the cultural Gulag MBF-lifestyle speaks of.

The curatorial staff has accepted an application, in March 2022; their policy s to review for a year, so they are off the hook for a while.

Nova Scotia Art Gallery: The biggest Culturally Inbred Haligonia centric bunch in the gang hands down mindset freeze between 1755 and 1763the jury is out on them since Claude Edwin Theriault has an application for an exhibition in that pillar of government of Canada language and school boards culture. Submitted March 2022, the reply says they need 12 months to decide, it's a bit long however the artist will respect that. However come March 2023 we will see, what the verdict is.

View the Self-explanatory Tyranny Exhibition and see the cultural Gulag MBF-lifestyle speaks of.

The curatorial staff has accepted an application, in March 2022; their policy s to review for a year, so they are off the hook for a while.

Halifax Nocturne: Give them the credit they have acknowledged receiving my messages with the admins doing a cool politically correct brush-off; saying they don't have space; suggesting I contact local bars or Restaurants so someone can walk in and walk out with them. When I ask what kind of art event they are, no reply I feel like Avery Haines of wW5. More back and forth email probing; finally gets them to admit they have a 10-day window opening coming up in April 2022, so if I subscribe to their newsletter I will be notified, which I did and was the first one to apply when I got an email notification. My application document was ready to deploy.

FANE-Acadie; Embaumé debout -Enbaulmed in the wakeful state, no pulse 

FéCANE;Embaumé debout -Enbaulmed in the wakeful stat, no pulse. An interview with project manager Marcel Aymar got a maybe we can help you, with a smirk and a grin. Claude Edwin Theriault needs to hear We will help you, since the promotion of French Acadian culture in Nova Scotia is their job... do it.

Congress Mondial Acadian 2024 Venez Vivre votre Acadie: Snotty Nosed-Insular Academics at the wheel. All across Nova Scotia,Nova Scotians will come together
to speak french about how the acadians were allowed to return with the benediction of language and culture nova scotia legislature and Vaughn Madden.
Dalhousie University Art Gallery:Embaumé debout -Enbaulmed in the wakeful state, no response
Busy recovering from  Dentistry Scandal Class of DDS 2015 Dentistry club under rug sweep.
The rise of new thought is the greatest resource there is yet they deny the public access to new artist vision since it moves the collective culture forward, yet they stick in the same lD there for the paycheck ideology of an Institution. It is a cataclysmic problem and it needs to be addressed now, so Dalhousie can deliver on having the public actually learn something good and worthwhile web 3.0 style; instead of how to push the rhetoric envelop web 2.0 agenda which is dead..

St Mary's Art Gallery: Embaumé debout -Enbaulmed in the wakeful state, no response, same metaphysical restraint of allowing new thought and expression when they should be the bedrock of it.

Mount Ste Vincent Art Gallery:Embaumé debout -Enbaulmed in the wakeful state, no response
Going the cowardly route of the same old processing of a cash cow pool of students who bring in a monetary resource, that keeps the provincial beurocrats satisfied, while denying a new contemporary artform that reflexes where "Le Peuple is now"

However Human rights Nova Scotia: Is not Embaumé debout - Not Enbaulmed in the wakeful state, response, am currently in communication with them to file a formal complaint.

Setting Atlantic Canadian culture back by allowing Charlatans to dictate Intellectual Standards.

The Halifax-centric powers that be all believe ignore the Dirty old Queer Polymath Frenchman Wouwou artist down the Hillbilly shore and it/he will go away.
They all follow the almighty Don't Ask Don't tell, all read the same news, wear the same clothes, have the same haircuts, and all promote that gosh darn golly friendly squiggly wiggly honkified maritime neighborhood agendas, in the hopes that the "Tourist" will come....for a change when the Cat comes back.

For years a rust bucket called Teddy the Tug was the major Tourist attraction on the waterfront.
I once watched Jive at Five Katie talk of Georges Island and say it was an internment camp for the French Acadian deportation and then release her trademark squeal of gosh darn golly Swiggly Piggly Wiggly it was a new Disneyfied ride at the Upper Clementsvale theme park.

None of these people are Entrepreneurial, they do not have to pay the rent, electricity, Internet, and all the riggin's stuff needed to run a show, they are all there for the paycheck, hip replacement, and the big fat pension they get to sit Bernette Jordan style.
Phony like Bitch Murphy now replaced by that T. Batiss Girl, giving that "look" like he just swallowed a mouthful of his own urine.

Nova Scotian French  Acadian Queer Asperger artist is the new Black Mi'kmaq

They show up whenever sit in front of a computer screen they leave on all night and push the envelope with the local Oligarch's La Bastile de EdouireTeteur de Pin Cornwallis, no one seems to mention it anymore. Since Mikmaq put an end to that, as they rightly should have.

Every single one of them is currently exercising a form of politically correct racism called Ghosting
Meaning cutting off contact with the artist and avoiding any response from my re-initiating contact; without explanation. Because they can until one channel our inner Viola Desmond and calls them out on that snooty-nosed attitude of the privileged "Cool Kids" in the "Cool Schoolyard Gang". See no Claude, hear no Claude, and above speak no Claude. 

Nova Scotia, as well as French Acadiana cultures, are all very proud In Hard times in the "Beep suckin" Maritimes people there has always been a Don't ask don't tell attitude which does not work any longer.

French Acadian Queer Asperger artist Claude Edwin Theriault is channeling his inner Viola Desmond and saying I am not having "Any of It Anymore". I have been an artist for close to half a century. I am not the best visual artist in Nova Scotia,I simply am the "Most Interesting One" with a visual narrative that is beyond anything HRM has ever come up with ever. Since it is culturally flat lining on a dull and insipid cultural routine currently being disrupted.
Am demanding a platform for my art before I die not after I die, now not in 10,20,30,40 years from now 

AGNS had an exhibition called Tyrannies, well look who decides who gets seen with the "Cool HRM Kids" crowd. All good SOP Standard Operating Practices until Claude starts channeling himself some Jackie Vautour Kouchibouguac New Brunswick province spunk style

They have all swallowed the collective Gay is OK pill, providing they know their place, however, Queer is a much more "subversive type of Gay" in is more from the Faye Cameron/Francis Bacon school of thought. Dans ta Face pour que la Business ce Fasse style, Bitch Honey Bay Child style.

Especially in the arts where guitar pickin/fiddle playing Musicians are seen as the artist worthy of a platform while visual artists are not so much. 
Let alone an artist of extraterrestrial proportions like Claude thing; were a Queer Asperger spectrum visual artist creating 3D motion graphic NFT experience designs brand logos for the meta-reality of the Metaverse current being built since that fails to pass the unilingual heterosexual Lilly white litmus test.

Especially since Claude uses male nudes OMG to express Terre des Hommes meaning mankind or shall we say humankind so as to cover our squeaky clean politically correct impeccable hairless; Spring Garden Rd Wax bar waxed arse .

If your visual narratives are not Evangeline, Gabriel, Grand Pre, and the Deportation of the Acadians you are out of french cultural representation. If your narratives are not about our proud and noble maritime seafaring heritage your the Queer man out, all across the board. English and the french are an Important part of Nova, present-day New Brunswick and Eastern Maine. Wonderful culture from treaty of utrecht, fortress louisbourg,the majority of the population de la région de la langue.

Done come a long way since deported by the british these canadian federal and provincial run settlements in north america linguistic and cultural fabric would make governor Charles Lawrence

Since the powers that be see just their Pius morals and values to be used to get the Tourist to come "someday", after Covid" as the excuse du jour to not do anything let alone anything related to moving the evolving cultural envelope/Agenda forward.

It is not Academic Beurocrates that move culture and civilization forward is "artists", that always did and always will.

When in truth tourists with the real cash to spend want an experience they can feel not old fart Churches and Museum stuff depicting Hard Times in the Maritimes.

I once say Bruce Frisko Live at five reported that cruise ship passengers visiting the great harbour port of kjipuktuk were complaining that the store did not have anything interesting to buy... I really did. Was shooked the powers that be were allowing him to say that major truth bomb.

The bottom line it really is all about the males the artist Claude uses, he does not have a thing about penises or male buttocks it is just a standard Icon used in art, as the female nude is used. They have been used by artists for centuries, Male nude represents Terre des Hommes, and the female nude represents Venus Mother Earth Inception that Terre des Hommes emerged from... that simple. Liberal forward-thinking uninhibited cultures like Montreal; and Toronto get it, Haligia does not... yet.

It serves to represent the Timelessness of the human race since it is the one quotient that does not change, architecture and wardrobe do; however, the human form does not. Claude uses it as an archeological footprint so that future world civilizations will find it and see"Who and what we were".

Long-range thinking with MBF-Lifestyle East Coast designs deployed onto the 100% nonjudgment and bigotry-free Bitcoin Sv Blockchain; they will still be there in 80,000 years... long after we and our Wetikio invested Canabalizing of the soul current culture is long gone. It is these 3D motion Graphic NFTs that won MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Design experience; the Platinum position in the Hermes Creative Design award based on their merit, not a lottery win or the political clout that lets the Cool Kids pass and be seen.

For centuries Nova Scotia Black and Mik'Makq cultures were treated with massive racism and allocated to welfare. In the 1980s prostitution on Gottingen Street Nord, had the straight Black and Mik Maq male prostitutes on one side of the street and the straight female prostitutes on the other side with straight white anglo "Honkies driving" through to get serviced....major truth.
When the citizens of Africville were to be moved from their homes the City of Halifax sent "Garbage Trucks" to get their personal belongings. Halifax has a real nasty ideology to it it is the headquarters of phony baloney, white trash punks on dope, tons of cement encased barrels of Toxic PCBs waste the Department of Defense dropped into the harbor 60 years ago; and a whole lot of " Stuff" they don't want people to know.

    But you can`t tell them that.

And it was all business as usual in the right-hand lane until they started to " Bitch" al la Goddam your Hide and now they have a major say in Nova Scotian politics, the biggest MikMaq nations, and African Nova Scotian flags "ever" hung on the Angus L Mac Donald bridge the most Iconic representation of Halifax there is. And so it should since they are two of the major contributors to the intestinal fortitude woven into the very fabric of Nova Scotia Tartan.
 Just as Queer Asperger French Acadian currently not asking for but demanding a media platform for his long artistic creative; odd Queer man out looking in artistic voice. Something not forthcoming on the forty-year plus close to half a century of his don't ask don't tell artist career.

Part of the Diversity

When you have nothing to lose well you have everything to gain, hence the current use of worldwide press releases Marginalized French Acadian Queer Asperger artist is deploying, so as to bring attention to the politically correct Ghosting form of systematic racism and ghosting" no reply exclusion the NFT creator is experiencing with ever Honky Chateau in Nova Scotia It is his NFT designs that spark a different new Web 3.0 reactJS narrative far opposed to the same old tired Web 2.0 HTML narratives used by the beaurocrats du jour.

Since I say again it is the marginalized artist that moves culture and the civilization attached to it forward. Not self-serving Beaurocrats; they just drive it straight into the ground.

Read trending truth bomb blog post on the truth behind the Jive   at Five people; who run the dog and pony show Bernadette                 Jordan school of thought style.


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